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Tomas Miranda
S3 licensed
I would like to change that D from Deutchsland of the European plate to put a letter E from Spain. ¿Is it legal or possible?
Tomas Miranda
S3 licensed
We Love You Lfs Devs! (at Least I Love Them)
Tomas Miranda
S3 licensed
Happy birthday Mr.Scawen!
Tomas Miranda
S3 licensed
I talk in the MSN, see if I have any comments in my Tuenti (an Spanish Facebook or FlickR) or just see the difference between me and the guy who is in front of me, and when I race like a noob (rarely) I change all the time the direction in the straight in order to make the opposite to distract, rarely times I touch the grass too :P
Tomas Miranda
S3 licensed
We have skinner. Thanks for the skintests The skinner knows who is...
Tomas Miranda
S3 licensed
Quote from jonaz lindberg :Here is some WIP of my try...

Tell me what you think

Awesome! The admin must say if we want your works thanks Jonas.
Tomas Miranda
S3 licensed
Don't be worry... upload the skin and show it to us... everyone has the option to show the skin
Tomas Miranda
S3 licensed
Try to do a skin test then, we will decide who do the resto of skins
Tomas Miranda
S3 licensed
Quote from Kirill.D :
Any news ?

One of the admins told me that the work it's nice, but we received a Private Mesage (of course I won´t say who sent it), and we are waiting his/her skintest... anyways we continue looking for skinman and your skintest liked to the admin.
Tomas Miranda
S3 licensed
I will say the other VR members to come here to opine. I like the skin, but I'm not a person who can give orders to the rest this night probably the two admins will be here

Thanks for your XRT skin, I like it personally :P
Tomas Miranda
S3 licensed
I repair tomorrow.

EDIT: Repaired Hi-Res logotype of the Virtual Racing Team.
Last edited by Tomas Miranda, .
Tomas Miranda
S3 licensed
Here is the logo:

I will put it in the first post.
Virtual Racing Team is searchin the nicest skinner for all the cars of LFS (20 SKINS)
Tomas Miranda
S3 licensed
As all you read in the post title, Virtual Racing Team search the best skinner in the world, that's because we need skins for all the 20 cars that LFS has actually. We only need a testing skin of a car. These are all the data that all you will need to try to skin all cars for the Virtual Racing Team:

Colours: Red, White and Very-Dark Grey.

Car: XR GT TURBO (XRT) or MRT5 (MRT). Remember that this two cars are the test skin allowed cars, the person that VR Team decide to do the other skins, will do the rest cars' skins.

Sponsors: We don't need that you put sponsors to the car, we only want a skin base for the team. A VR Team member will put the sponsors in the skin, but we can talk of putting a sponsor of the skinner's choice, in order to reward the skinner's work.

Reward to the skinner's work: It's 90% sure that the skinner's work will be rewarded with money (quantity is'nt accorded yet by the Virtual Racing Team members, but probably will be over 25 euros). And of course, the skinner will have the permission to add a personal sponsor in order to spot his father's work, or his shop, or whatever you want

I have a bigger resolution logo, just click here

More information: Try to let space to put our sponsors, don't put any sponsor on the skin, and very good luck

Regards, Virtual Racing Team Moderator, T.Miranda.

PS: If anyone needs more info about the work, feel free to contact me on:

[email protected]
Last edited by Tomas Miranda, . Reason : Repaired the Hi-Resolution Logo of our team twice
Tomas Miranda
S3 licensed
I up this post to tell that they changed my DFP to a G25, paying the difference!
Tomas Miranda
S3 licensed
Quote from KassadGLA :El server de mi ekipo esta totalmente en español sin tener ningún problema, incluso añadimos la web del ekipo en donde pone !ver


Add me on the MSN, you can see it in my profile. I need to talk with you to receive help :P
Tomas Miranda
S3 licensed
I have a quiestion to Gai-Luron: In my server I'm using LFSLapper 5.7.1 and I translated it to Spanish, putting all msg commands like:

Bienvenido al servidor//Welcome to the server.

I would like to change the credits that appears in [!ver] command to put that I translated it. How do I do it? I translated it and I think I worked too in my LFSLapper in my server (Team VirtualRacing #1).
Tomas Miranda
S3 licensed
I present this public skin, my first public work! Peugeot 405 GR in marine blue.
Tomas Miranda
S3 licensed
I had the same problem with my DFP, I was in CTRA in a SO circuit, and I crashed a wall. In that moment the steering wheel started to make a rare sound, and I scared and disconnected the USB. Inmediately I connected again the DFP to the USB, but it didn't calibrated and my PC didn't detect it again... Now I am waiting 1 month and 20 days for a new DFP or a repaired one... I wanted to improve my skills in this summer holidays, but I only came back to my old DualShock

PD: Send it to Logitech saying anything... if you are in warranty time you can get your DFP repaired in Logitech.

EDIT: I forgot to say, that in the shop (MediaMarkt) they told me that in a month I would have my wheel working well... Now I'm waiting approximately 2 months ^^
Tomas Miranda
S3 licensed
Beautiful video Daspor
Tomas Miranda
S3 licensed
Go Rafa go, early the number ONE will be Rafa...

Tomas Miranda
S3 licensed
Thanks Scawen!
Tomas Miranda
S3 licensed
Quote from Jakg :I haven't used it in years and even then I was using a guide to help me.

Try some of these sites:

I don´t know how to connect my K1 to P2KTools, I had installed the drivers, I had opened P2KTools, I had changed the cable and the port I was using, and I'm a newbie about flashing Motorolas, I need help please...
Tomas Miranda
S3 licensed
Quote from Jakg :I don't see there will be many (if any) people with any advanced experience with P2KTools here - i've used it once but I have no idea how to do what you want to do.

Have you tried Moto Modders et al?

Sorry, I tried in lot of manuals, but I need help via MSN, all people who knows to use P2KTools, can add me? [email protected]

Thank all you...